Sunday, 26 May 2019


 Here we are then for the next ten days then....

 Setting up in Hindon village hall has been such fun watching them cut all that black material for the tables while I was trying to get all the paintings hanging in line! 
You have to agree it is looking pretty smart! 

I must just thank my son for helping to get the screens set up, they have had a lot of comments about how modern and smart they look,
 also of course,  thank you to the MENU SHOP, WARMINSTER,  for the loan of them once again. I don't know what we would have done without them!
Everyone has commented on our lovely exhibition again this year and the word has
 been going around to come and see us which we really do appreciate. 
We have had a lot of really good sales for everyone, and been quite busy.
I also enjoyed feeling a part of something special, and of course the artists from Fern cottage  - just up the high street, who brought us cake on the day we were taking everything down, thanks guys!
See you all in 2 years time hopefully!