Here I am at the Bath Prize evening, which was a competition I entered online.
I decided I would have a go at a painting.
- my doctor said it was the best thing I could possibly do as it would get me up in the mornings, so after much worrying about the subject I would be
allocated, I clicked on my p.c and received Victoria Park, somewhere I was very familiar with from picnics with the kids when they were young, and they
used to call it Vikki Park.
I was worried that I wouldn't meet the deadline, as I had a lot of treatment to undergo afterwards, but I
managed one good effort, which made me happy, and they extended the deadline for another couple of weeks so that was a help. I didn't win anything, or sell, but it was a good experience and a lovely evening.
I will definitely do it next time, maybe I will get something with more buildings in, as it was hard to break up all the trees.